iFi ZEN Phono 3 Preamplifier


Setting a Standard for Entry-Level Audiophile MM/MC Phono Preamplifiers: Ultra-Quiet iFi ZEN 3 Features Four Gain and Loading Settings, Clean Power Supply, Intelligent Subsonic Filter

Why should you consider the iFi ZEN 3 MM/MC phono preamplifier if you’re looking at standalone phonostages in the sub-$500 range or still using a built-in model on your preamplifier or integrated amp? For starters, the incredible quiet. ZEN 3 features an Equivalent Input Noise (EIN) rating of -151dBV, which translates into the kind of noise floor that practically any vinyl enthusiast would love to have. Then there’s the flexible support for a wide variety of moving-magnet and moving-coil cartridges thanks to four gain settings and four load settings. And the fact this compact device can slip into tight spaces and weighs just a pound.

But really, it all comes down to how ZEN 3 handles the delicate signal from your cartridge, and the results are spectacular especially when you factor in that it sells for the average price of about six or seven new LPs. Inside, ZEN 3 features a 1.2MHz clean power supply (20,000x mains frequency of 60Hz) that offers heightened noise filtration that rivals that of well-designed LC filtering circuits in classic tube amps. You also get an intelligent subsonic filter that removes only the ruinous low frequencies caused by warps


Futuristic Features. Nostalgic Feeling.

In a world where modern technology is ever-evolving, simplicity and connection are what we crave most. Nothing demonstrates this quite like the familiar act of picking your favourite LP, hearing the soft crackle before it starts, and sharing a story or two with friends as you listen together.

If this is the type of connection you crave, then a well-designed phono stage is integral for your vinyl setup. It takes the subtle whispers of your cartridge and amplifies them hundreds of times, making your vinyl’s magic compatible with headphones, amps, receivers and speakers. The ZEN Phono 3 opens the door to that analogue world with style and substance. With an intelligent warp filter and versatile loading options, you will be able to hear your over-loved LPs as new and fully experiment with your system setup.

Packed with trickle-down technology from our prestigious history with sister company AMR, the ZEN Phono 3 is a noise-free upgrade that will allow you to slip seamlessly back into the blissful world of vinyl.

Superior Specification.

Zen Phono 3 boasts futuristic features unlike any other entry-level stage:

  • MM/MC with 36-72dB gain range
  • Independent loading adjustment
  • Super-silent -151dBV noise floor
  • Precise RIAA with balanced output
  • Intelligent subsonic filter
  • High-tech 1.2MHz clean power supply

Super Smart. Super Subsonic.

Standard subsonic filters aren’t intelligent and are typically loathed by audiophiles. They filter not only the bass rumble from warped records but also the bass of the song.

Our intelligent subsonic filter knows the difference between the two and only filters the warp, leaving the song completely intact, and without adding group delay.

Supports both MM and MC cartidges

The ZEN Phono 3 supports four MM/MC gain selections from 36 to 72dB and four input impedance settings.

Mix and match gain and loading settings independently of each other with the all-new loading button, ensuring optimum compatibility with a wide range of cartridges and allowing you to get the sound ‘just right’.

Exacting Equalisation.

At the vinyl mastering stage, records are pressed with an inverse RIAA equalisation curve applied. This needs to be undone on playback by the phono stage to reveal the magic of the music.

ZEN Phono 3’s RIAA EQ circuitry uses multiple TDK C0G capacitors in parallel. This is for best stability and the least distortion.

This allows for ZEN Phono 3’s RIAA playback equalisation curve to be within +/- 0.15dB tolerance from 20-20kHz, allowing you to hear your records more accurately than ever before.

Its RIAA accuracy is on-par with more costly phono stages that use hand-selected capacitors.

Shockingly Silent.

ZEN Phono 3 has a high-tech clean power supply built directly into it, isolated on its own “island” and away from the rest of the board.

The power supply’s isolation mitigates noise pollution of the analogue stage – ensuring that only the audio is amplified and allowing for the noise-floor to remain whisper quiet.

ZEN Phono 3’s Equivalent Input Noise measures at -151dBV, which is 20dBV quieter than some Stereophile Class A+ phonos.

Experience the difference a separate phonostage can make with ZEN 3 today. Demo set available in-store.

Read Michael Fremer’s accidental discovery of how good the Zen Phono 3 is! https://trackingangle.com/equipment/ifi-zen-phono-3-is-2-good

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